Ακόμα ένας αλλοπρόσαλλος μήνας

“Getting away with it all messed up…”

Όταν τα πολλά λόγια είναι περιττά.


Έργο του Scott Rohlfs

Έργο του Mark Heine

Illustration: Fucci

(Photo: Pinterest)

Έργο-κoλάζ της Kristine Larsen

Photo: Pinterest

Έργο-κoλάζ της Karen Lynch

Illustration: Pascal Campion

Illustration: Bernie Fuchs



Mastering the art of “Passive Aggression”


Illustration: someecards.com

Illustration: someecards.com

Illustration: Greg Guillemin

Illustration: Waldemar Von Kozak

Illustration:  Yuval Robichek

Illustration: someecards.com

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest

Illustration: John Atkinson

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest

Πηγή: giphy.com



Minnie Mouse Extravaganza

Minnie Mouse Shoes by Oscar Tiye (Photos via Pinterest)

Photo: Pinterest


“Spring Noir”







Έργα του Fabien Perez




La foule – Edith Piaf


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